Pennsylvania Zombie Response Team

Full Version: Make PAZRT Great Again!
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It's all good, I don't think the zombies stand a chance. I keep my head clear, keep a lookout on my surroundings and don't trust too many. I think wifey would kill me before zombies do. So let me ask you this, how do we go about restructuring this website... renaming titles and threads and categorizing things. I still haven't figured out how to change the names of threads. I'm thinking you have to be an administrator to do that. And I'm just a moderator.
(08-09-2019, 07:53 AM)Zombie.Hunter Wrote: [ -> ]So let me ask you this, how do we go about restructuring this website... renaming titles and threads and categorizing things. I still haven't figured out how to change the names of threads. I'm thinking you have to be an administrator to do that. And I'm just a moderator.

I'm not entirely sure we need to reorg the board, per se.  There are some topics that 'bleed' over multiple threads ("weapons" vs. "Check out my new zombie slayer" in the ZRT section - but most thread like that are 2014 or older).

Maybe "Happy Anniversary (of membership) / Happy Birthday" threads - with PM & e-mailed follow-ups - for members, might get them to REMEMBER this site, and then participate again.  Getting the members we HAVE, to DO something, would seem to be the most immediate challenge.
I agree with you completely, and I would also like to see this sight more Interactive. Having the members that are active interact with the site. Such as members posting their opinions or facts on the site under the correct topics for instance a topic known as haters... the topic of haters would be for businesses that we know that are not firearm friendly. Have a topic that posts all the places that we specifically know are not firearm friendly and you are not allowed to carry in their business that way our members know what places they can't carry. And in a second listing we have a second amendment supporter title that we list under that category all the places that we specifically know are firearm friendly and you can carry in their establishment and this way our members can contribute to the list as they grow. For me that is one way this site can be better and be more Interactive.
I drove by Al's Cafe in Bethel Park just an hour ago... speaking of UN-friendly folk towards lawful LTCF'rs.

Might not be a bad thing to do BY Sector - list all the UN-friendlies!
That list of Supporters & Haters of Open Carry is something we need to start to work on, And Yes we should do it by sectors...
I'm figuring start by inserting in each sector category A list of supporters and then a second list of Haters and instead of each one having a follow up comment, nobody follows up by commenting, we just keep adding places of business and places in general.
Opinions ?
Can we keep those SOMEWHAT in order, like - HEADER (Restaurants), next HEADER (Retails shops), etc.

I don't want 47 different headers, but a few basic ones might help limit the chaos.
Yes I believe that would be a good idea. Two different categories. Retail shops and restaurants and eateries would be great. And to keep the posts low only post the places and not comments. And also do it by sectors. We should get to work on this right away.
Just a head's up, The site is being overhauled... For good reasons dead threads are being deleted, and responses older then five years are getting tossed.
Comes from PAZRT Head guy.
And it makes sense, who wants to go through a bunch of pages of old crap to read the newest posts.
Get rid of the old stuff and make room for the new goods.
(04-07-2020, 09:48 PM)Zombie.Hunter Wrote: [ -> ]Just a head's up, The site is being overhauled... For good reasons dead threads are being deleted, and responses older then five years are getting tossed.
Comes from PAZRT Head guy.
And it makes sense, who wants to go through a bunch of pages of old crap to read the newest posts.
Get rid of the old stuff and make room for the new goods.

FUNNY you should MENTION that!  I just started a few days ago, weeding out the "one-'n'-done" posters - especially those 3 years old or older.  ALSO help prevent backdoor spamtards Confused  from moving back in!

DO be careful on some of those threads.  If it's actually useful - like say, a weapons thread, instructional, informational, etc. - I might hold off deleting it on that principal.  Old, ain't necessarily "bad!"
I completely agree, threads themselves shouldn't be deleted, I'm figuring old posts within the threads that are years old and useless should go. But I'm just the hired help and don't make those decisions. Barry Holden does. I solely support this site, good or bad!
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