Pennsylvania Zombie Response Team

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[Image: YES.jpg]  TA DA!!!
The unspoken second half of this being;

[Image: gungrabbers.jpg]
The proof of this being^^^ April 1993 - I was working in radio at the time watching it happening live on a tv in the newsroom, commenting on-air - "there goes our 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th 10th, 14th & 15th Amendment rights, up in smoke & under tank tread!!!"

I Remember
Posted on May 26, 2022 by DRenegade
— Death Cab for Coyote (@ProcurConflict) May 26, 2022

Quote:Women and children gassed (not burned) to death just so the ATF could raise money. No consequences for the government. I remember the “trials” afterward where the judge misled the jury concerning sentencing. The jurors were literally crying afterward.
This is evil, impure and simple. In a moral world, this massacre would never have happened. In a moral world, the ATF would have been held responsible. In a moral world, the ATF flag would not have been raised to celebrate their “victory”.
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[Image: image-12.png]
US tanks on a religious compound. Do you trust your military after they helped Pelosi lock down Washington, D.C.?

David DeGerolamo